Geraldo Rivera, the Great American Pimp
While our president is busy sucking up favor with Hugo Chavez, much in the same way Slick Willy sold out to China, I want to comment on a little discussed matter of the Prostitution Tax.
Last night on O'Reilly, Geraldo Rivera made a plea for legalizing prostitution, but this is what he said: "Let's out and out legalize it tax it!"
No pause, no dot dot dot, no comma after the "legalize it" part. Just "let's legalizeittaxit" - Yeah baby!! Let's legalize-something-so-we-can-tax-it! Woo hoo!!
I don't know much about Geraldo Rivera except I've just seen him doing his thing on FoxNews the last years and he always seems like he goes with whatever looks popular, right or left. He's left here, he's right there...He stays SAFE so he can get a lot of praise from whatever side might be handing it out that week and get him a lot of press. least I finally got a glimpse of what Geraldo really wants. He wants prostitution to be legalized so it can be taxed.
Excuse me, don't we have enough taxation already??
According to Geraldo's train of thought, we need even MORE taxation. Legalizing prostitution would most assuredly require MORE government intervention, MORE government regulation, MORE policing, MORE fees, MORE health workers, MORE welfare, MORE public health policy, MORE public health expenses, MORE pages in the Tax Code...MORE taxation.
Do you think a prostitution tax will cover all this? NOT going to happen. The taxpayers will end up paying MORE than what a prostitute can cover with her government-imposed taxation. Furthermore, how is government going to keep track of her account books? Will the government set up an accounting system for her? Appoint a Czar to oversee her books? Write policy on what she should be earning by the hour or night based on her demographics, age, looks, potential clientele?
To engage in any thought of this is digusting and backwards. The People made prostitution illegal for a reason! It is harmful not just to the woman doing it, but to everybody. To children, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, sisters and brothers. It hurts neighbors, businesses and communities because it is a behavior based in desperation, unwillingness and coercion.
By legalizing it, government - The People - make it legitimate. It forces everyone in society to embrace it as a normal way of life, a normal activity, a normal and accepted way to make a living. There is nothing that can be further from the truth.
Geraldo Rivera's statements last night on O'Reilly are nothing more than a drooling lunge for more taxation and more burdens upon the American people.
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