Thursday, June 4, 2009

Globama gives the wink and nod to Iran

Not that declaring a moral equivalence between the Holocaust of 6 million Jews and the displacement of Arab Muslims during a War isn't bad enough - our eloquent, feel-good ,warm and fuzzy, share-the-wealth president literally gave Iran the wink and nod on its continued development of nuclear weapons which ARE clearly intended for use against Israel, more specifically...JEWS.

In Pharaoh Obama's "historic" speech on June 3, 2009 (yes, this is the endearment many Egyptians have bestowed upon the Yes-We-Can U.S. President), he threw Israel under the bus, indicating there was a "moral equivalence" between the 6 million Jews who were used as lab animals in horrific and demonic experiments, their children thrown alive into bonfires, gassed, beaten, tortured and starved to death during the Holocaust to that of the "displacement" of Palestinians during the 1967 6-day war.

Of course, Pharaoh Obama did not make nary a mention of the facts (even though he likes to call himself a "student of history"). He did not mention the fact that the displacement of the Palestinian Arabs living in the land of Israel were, in fact, caused by a war led by Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria as aggressors against Israel.

This is a middle east map. Can you find Israel on this map? Look up there on the left, about a little more than half-way up. Israel is located in about half of that little pink blob on the coast. It is virtually a postage stamp on a football field. Within it live about 5 million Jewish people.

Now look around it. That's the rest of the middle east and within it live about 250 million Arab Muslims.

Let's be clear. This isn't about a "State of Israel" to the Arab world. This is about a Jew, any Jew, setting foot on middle east dirt. Pharaoh Obama lived up to his Muslim heritage with the Arab world, just as they expected he would.

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