Friday, June 19, 2009

Boycott Marriage

Sounds like a real radical idea, doesn't it? But in reality if your state or federal government is approving marriage between men and men and women and women, they are CLEARLY showing that the sacred union of one man/one woman means nothing to them. Their "interpretation" of the Constitution is that it does not disallow any kind of marriage, yet - knowing fully that the intent of the Constitution does not, did not, and never would have, allowed any such kind of matrimony outside of one man/one woman.

Seeing that proponents of one man/one woman marriage are up against the odds these 200 years later, they should not fight. They should not protest, they should not complain.

Better yet, they should get a divorce from the government institution of marriage. As soon as they get divorced, go straight to their church, synagogue or temple and take vows again to confirm their marriage. Leave the State paperwork out of it. Leave the government fees out of it. Have a written document within their church, synagogue or temple, have a wedding ceremony with witnesses, put an announcement in the newspaper. The only paperwork they should draw up is paperwork to make sure their property and possessions are with Rights of Survivorship to each other, sign the documents necessary to make their (non-government) spouses guardian and executors in case of illness, hospitalization or coma, write Wills and Living Wills for each other - This is legal paperwork that gives the exact same protections as if married without actually having a government marriage certificate and it is available in every state.

There is nothing in Law that requires anyone to become "married" by or under the Government, and seeing that government does not honor one man/one woman marriage in any way at all anymore...


Marriage vows are not a piece of paper from the government.


Let homosexuals and lesbians have their marriage under Government. Let them pay the taxes for double income couples. Let them be held responsible for their spouses' debts and tax levies. Let them show they are much more "in tune" with real marriage and sexual intimacy than heterosexual couples, as they continually claim to be.

In the meantime, wash your hands from this unholy system and get divorced from it. Take your vows before your God and your God ONLY. Celebrate it and Embrace it! If you get low on cash, the wife can just go to the local welfare office and get some food stamps - after all, she will be a single parent, no? You'll get much greater Earned Income Tax Credits too!

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